대용량 네트워킹용으로 설계된 6500-S32는 포괄적인 이더넷, TDM 및 WDM 기능을 제약 없는 패킷/OTN 교환 및 지능형 제어 평면과 통합하여 전체 네트워크의 대역폭 효율 및 유연성을 극대화합니다.

Utilizes 3.2 Tb/s of unrestricted hybrid packet/OTN switching for the most efficient use of network resources

Supports the full suite of photonic architectures for service transport over 2.5G, 10G, 40G, 100G, and 200G wavelengths

Enables simplified operations and reduced sparing costs through seamless networking flexibility with the entire 6500 Family

Supports both muxponder- and central fabric-based packet/OTN switching solutions, enabling costoptimized configurations

Offers industry-leading 10G, 40G/100G coherent and intelligent control plane capabilities for scale and service differentiation

Provides a range of differentiated service offerings through various line and equipment protection options
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