Ciena’s Virtual Container over Packet Transceivers enable cost-effective transport of T3 (DS3), OC-3/STM-1, and OC-12/STM-4 signals over Ethernet. With many network operators transforming their networks to IP/MPLS transport, TDM over packet emerges as a key enabler to efficiently migrate legacy services to the new IP/MPLS infrastructure. Using a single unified network for both data and TDM transport can streamline operations and reduce capital and operational expenditures.
Virtual Container over Packet Transceivers OC-3 / STM-1, OC-3/12 / STM-1/4
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Transforming network and IT teams into troubleshooting heroes
Ciena's Enterprise Route Analyzer (ERA) provides real-time, historical, and predictive analytics for the network’s routing control plane.
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The state of Segment Routing: A look at the past, present, and future
It’s been two years since our last research study on the role of Segment Routing (SR) in networks. What has changed? What’s remained the same? Where do global operators' preferences lie now? ACG Research surveyed service provider executives
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5134 Product data sheet
Ciena’s 5134 is a cost-effective 10GbE/25GbE-to-100GbE aggregation router purpose-built to meet the demands of mobile xHaul aggregation as well as broadband access
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