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Picture of WaveLogic family of products

WaveLogic Technologies

Achieve efficient, high-bandwidth connectivity using industry-leading WaveLogiccoherent technology. From 400G, 800G, and 1.6T coherent pluggable transceivers to 800G–1.6T coherent optical modules, our WaveLogic Technologies are designed for integration into third-party switch/router and optical transport platforms.


  1. Optimized performance

    Enable new applications and greener networks with coherent solutions that deliver world-recognized performance in footprint-optimized form factors

  2. Volume manufacturing

    Harness volume manufacturing with a proven track record in delivering reliable and robust products

  3. Cost efficiency

    Benefit from optimized design and cost efficiencies achieved through vertically integrated solutions

Picture of the WaveLogic 5 Nano plugs

WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G–400G Coherent Pluggable Transceivers

Extend 400G connectivity across more links in the network while reaping cost and energy efficiencies of coherent pluggables. Fully CMIS-compliant for ease of integration, WaveLogic 5 Nano (WL5n) 100G–400G Coherent Pluggable Transceivers can be used for 400G metro DCI, converged
IP/Optical deployments, edge network capacity upgrades, and optical network modernization.

Features and benefits

  1. Interoperability

    Includes modes compliant with OIF 400ZR, 400ZR+ MSA, and ITU-T/OpenROADM with tested line interoperability

  2. Broader application coverage

    Delivers highest-performance PKT-MAX and OTN-MAX modes—along with +4dBm QSFP-DD—extending 400G connectivity across more links in the network

  3. Customization

    Addresses specific permitted host requirements with fully customizable registers

WL5n interoperability demonstrations

Related resources


Not All 400G Pluggables Are Created Equal



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G-400G Coherent Pluggable Transceivers



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G–400G Universal QSFP-DD Transceiver



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G-400G Standard Amplified QSFP-DD



WaveLogic 5 Nano 400ZR QSFP-DD Transceiver



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G–400G Universal CFP2-DCO



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G–400G Standard CFP2-DCO Transceivers



WaveLogic 5 Nano 100G-400G Standard and Enhanced QSFP-DD

Picture of the WaveLogic 6 Nano plugs

WaveLogic 6 Nano 800G and 1.6T Coherent Pluggable Transceivers

WaveLogic 6 Nano (WL6n) 400G–800G Coherent Pluggable Transceivers address numerous applications, including long-haul 400G and 800G metro/regional deployments and 800ZR for metro DCI. WL6n also powers 800LR and 1.6T Coherent-Lite pluggable offerings, bringing coherent technology’s capacity scale and flexibility benefits into the data center for the first time. Using 3nm CMOS technology, WL6n’s unique design enables customizable product offerings that optimize performance required per application at the lowest power.

Features and benefits

  1. Multi-vendor line interoperability

    Addresses multiple applications, including metro DCI and long-haul ROADM transport, with OIF 800ZR, 400 QPSK, and 800G/600G ZR+ with interoperable PCS

  2. 800LR and 1.6T Coherent-Lite

    Provides power-and latency-optimized designs for data center fabric and campus applications

  3. Customization

    Helps meet specific permitted host requirements with fully customizable registers

Picture of the WaveLogic 6 Extreme chip

WaveLogic 6 Extreme
1.6 Tb/s Transceiver Modules

Delivering unrivaled high-bandwidth connectivity and the performance required with next-generation 800G routing data paths and associated wholesale services, our WaveLogic 6 Extreme (WL6e) 1.6 Tb/s Transceiver Module supports programmable capacity up to 1.6 Tb/s for metro ROADM deployments and efficient 800 Gb/s connectivity across virtually all network links. Available in a compact form factor, with versatile client interface and efficient cabled client connectivity, WL6e 1600G Module is ideal for system integrators and network equipment manufacturers looking for ultimate network scalability and spectral efficiency.

Features and benefits

  1. Maximum spectral efficiency

    Allows for the optimal balance of capacity and spectrum with its granular adjustable line rates up to 1.6 Tb/s paired with variable baud up to 200 Gbaud

  2. 800G everywhere

    Uses state-of-the-art 3nm CMOS for energy-efficient 400GbE and 800GbE transport across virtually all links

  3. Ease of integration

    Enables ease of design in host platforms with compact, mountable form factor and simplified client data connectivity

Picture of the WaveLogic 5 Extreme chip

WaveLogic 5 Extreme
800 Gb/s Transceiver Modules

The industry’s most widely deployed coherent 800G solution, our WaveLogic 5 Extreme (WL5e) 800 Gb/s Transceiver Modules are multi-rate, single-carrier, C- or L-band coherent transceivers, delivering up to 800 Gb/s per wavelength and efficient transport of 400GbE client connectivity at any distance. Available in a compact form factor, with versatile client interface and efficient cabled client connectivity, WL5e 800 Gb/s Transceiver Modules are ideal for system integrators looking to deliver best-in-class network efficiencies to their end customers.

Features and benefits

  1. 400G everywhere

    Offers efficient 400GbE transport across virtually all links

  2. Multi-haul applicability

    Supports 800G for metro DCI, 600G for metro-regional, and 400G for long-haul applications

  3. Flexibility and simplicity

    Enables ease of design in host platforms with compact, mountable form factor and simplified client data connectivity

Ciena's WL5n interoperability demonstrations

OFC 2024

Ciena’s WL5n 400G QSFP-DD and CFP2-DCO transceivers demonstrate 400ZR, 400ZR+ and Open ROADM/ITU-T line interop, as well as CMIS interop.

View demo
ECOC 2023

Ciena’s WL5n 400G QSFP-DDs demonstrate 400ZR, 400ZR+ and Open ROADM/ITU-T line interop, as well as CMIS interop.

View demo
OFC 2023

Ciena’s WL5n 400ZR QSFP-DD demonstrates 400ZR line interop and CMIS interop.

View demo
ECOC 2022

Ciena’s WL5n 400ZR QSFP-DD demonstrates 400ZR line interop and CMIS interop.

View demo

Ciena’s WL5n 200G QSFP-DD and CFP2-DCO demonstrate 200G Point-to-Point Coherent Optics (P2PCO) line interoperability.

Learn more