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Ciena Services


Consulting, Implementation, and System Integration Services

Success begins with building a strong foundation—we work with you to build a responsive, automated, and agile network that flexes with your needs.

It starts with taking a comprehensive view of your business goals and technology requirements. We analyze, plan, design, and deploy your network with these objectives in mind. Ciena’s Consulting, Implementation, and Systems Integration Service make sure your network is built right—the first time.


Ask. Listen. Understand. Plan.

What would it mean to you if technology partners viewed your network like you do?

Your network infrastructure underpins your business growth. So, any change must be well planned to ensure you meet business objectives, minimize disruption, and maximize ROI. Having a partner to guide you with strategic consulting expertise is critical.

Ciena’s Consulting Service embraces an all-in view of both your business and network. We address essential questions that set a direction to deliver the right solutions with the greatest return. Whether through strategic consulting, project consulting, developing robust custom analytic tools—or a combination―you can leverage the full scope of our experience and knowledge to reach your goals.



Network transformation is about much more than just technology. It requires a nuanced approach with experts who take a broad view of your business strategy and goals and translate them into network outcomes your customers expect.

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Network Transformation, Here and Now

Service providers are accustomed to upgrading their networks—it’s business as usual. What’s different now, however, is the complexity of the task. This eBook explores the challenges facing service providers and barriers that often stifle transformation. We also share proven methodology for network transformation projects that can start small and focus on problem areas or take a holistic view and look at the entire network.

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Building your network from plan to execution―let us manage the risk for you

How often do you tackle full or partial network deployment? Whether it’s regularly or rarely, by working with a teammate who does it every day brings peace of mind.

Our experienced, highly skilled teams use proven processes to plan, design, and deploy networks, leveraging our powerful automation framework. With nearly 30 years’ experience deploying the most complex networks worldwide, we know what to do. We’ve also learned what not to do.

Ciena’s Implementation Service offers flexible alternatives to conventional in-house models. Leverage our expertise and benefit from a single point of responsibility for your network implementation.


Ciena’s Implementation Service Overview

A high-level introduction to Ciena’s Implementation Service which plans, designs and deploys networks all day, every day.

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Implementation Service

Ciena’s Implementation Service offers an alternative to traditional turn-key deployment models, allowing end-users to leverage Ciena’s technical experience, know-how, resources, and global presence to successfully deploy their networks without disrupting day-to-day business.

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Implementation Service: Fiber Characterization

Ensure your existing fiber-plant infrastructure is optimized to deliver high-quality service and maximum performance.

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Implementation Service: Fiber Characterization

Your fiber plant faces constant challenges from maintenance, restoration, weather, and time-related changes. Fiber characterization testing helps determine if the fiber plant supports the network design and enables efficient service deployment.

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Implementation Service: Staging in Factory

Accelerate your deployment and with 30% onsite time savings with Ciena’s staging in factory (SIF) Implementation Service.

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Implementation Service: Staging in Factory

Ciena's Staging in Factory accelerates your deployment saving you time and money during your on-site install. Equipment is pre-installed, software is provisioned, and customization is available.

Systems Integration Services

Simplifying complexity

Any network seems manageable when limited to like vendors and devices. But what happens in the real world? How do networks survive and thrive when bringing together disparate, multi-vendor technologies and applications?

Unlike traditional systems integrators offering generic capabilities, Ciena’s Systems Integration (SI) Service are specialized, focusing on network evolution. Built on our expertise and experience enabling large and complex network transformations, we understand your operational processes and network complexity.

And as the experts in Ciena’s industry-leading hardware and software solutions, we’re your ideal systems integration partner to help leverage your Ciena investments as part of your ongoing network journey.

Systems Integration Service for Solution Validation

How valuable would it be to ensure that new hardware or software capabilities operate as expected—before deploying them in your network?

Ciena engineers apply their lab expertise, enabling you to verify your solutions—first.

We are your partner to help navigate the pitfalls of new deployments. With deep network knowledge and proven planning methodologies, Ciena’s Solution Validation Service accelerates your time to market while reducing risk.



Systems Integration Service for Solution Validation

Ciena’s Service Integration Service for Solution Validation allows operators to keep ...



Implementation Service

Demand for bandwidth is accelerating—your customers expect anytime, anywhere availabi...



Ciena’s Implementation Service Overview

A high-level introduction to Ciena’s Implementation Service which plans, designs and ...



Network Transformation

Ciena Services helps maximize network agility, responsiveness, and investment efficie...




A methodology for crossing the chasm from legacy to modern networks

TBR analyst Chris Antlitz details the benefits of a “consolidate and transform” appro...



Navigating vendor equipment swaps: Minimizing risk while maximizing outcomes leveraging data-informed tools and automation

Vendor equipment swaps are typically complex from a technical as well as an operation...



Legacy TDM migration: Creating certainty out of uncertainty when transitioning to modern networks

TBR analyst Chris Antlitz details how a tier 1 service provider achieved a successful...


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