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Learn more about Blue Planet intelligent automation software.

5G Automation Demo: Accelerate Your 5G Journey


The complexity and scale of 5G networks make zero-touch service lifecycle automation a requirement. In this self-directed demonstration, learn how cloud-native Blue Planet combines state of the art inventory, orchestration, and assurance automation with open standard APIs to accelerate every stage of your 5G journey - from preparation and implementation through operation and monetization.

Choose your path to explore the key automation building blocks for smarter, faster 5G monetization:

  • Prepare: see how Blue Planet uses auto-discovery, multi-system federation, reconciliation and guided ops to create a single-source of network truth that serves as the foundation for all 5G deployments and operations.
  • Operate: watch Blue Planet automate 5G network build-outs with zero-touch resource planning and deployment, and see how we improve operations with unified insight into network infrastructure, resources and services, end-to end across 5G domains and network layers.
  • Monetize: explore our 5G network slicing automation solution, which provides zero-touch slice lifecycle management and accelerates your ROI by enabling high-value services - on-demand and at scale.

Length: 6:00

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