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Webinar - The edge: from hype to promise

Pushing cloud services to the edge to improve the enterprise customer experience is top of mind for operators, especially as cloud-native infrastructure and services become paramount to compete in Multi-Access Edge Compute (MEC) and 5G services.

As cloud resources move closer to the network edge, the industry will need to think differently about the role connectivity will play in delivering MEC and 5G services.

Join this webinar as we explore the benefits of edge cloud for operators, which edge applications are expected to drive revenues, and how best-of-breed vendors can help operators push services to the edge.

Who Should Attend

Tier One operators; data center operators; mobile operators that want to host and support edge applications. Also, telco-oriented business decision makers within the above organizations that are building out edge locations. Financial analysts and the media are also encouraged to attend.

Key Topics for Discussion

  • The definition of the edge for this discussion
  • Edge cloud opportunities for telcos and data center operators
  • The revenue opportunity for edge cloud applications, especially for operators
  • Answers to audience questions during live Q&A

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