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Webinar – Clear the Path to Your Automation Success - Use cases: Network inventory solutions driving automation and transformation

You can’t automate what you can’t see

There’s a tangible opportunity and a necessity for service providers to offer dynamic and on-demand services. This is a key driver in automation initiatives. Unfortunately for many service providers, legacy inventory systems and approaches are stalling efforts to automate network tasks and transform their business.

Join us for an interactive and lively session exploring real-world use cases of customers who were able to quickly and cost-effectively bring together network information from multiple domains, vendors, and legacy inventory systems and create a single, real-time, end-to-end view of all network and services resources.

In this session, you’ll hear how actual service providers leveraged a new innovative approach to create network observability that enables process and behavior transformation from pre-sales to in-life support, resulting in:

  • 75 percent reduction in provisioning time
  • 30 percent reduction in trouble resolution time
  • Successful launch of SD-WAN service
  • Reduced frustration and resource time in 4G and 5G network planning

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn from your peers and move your digital transformation forward.

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